Bunscoill Ghaelgagh is a Manx-language primary school which is based in St John's. It is the only school in the world where children are taught their lessons solely in Manx in an immersion setting, which allows children to learn the language fluently.
The Bunscoill has been a stand-alone school since 2006 and it has gradually grown in strength so that now it has four classes ranging across the primary age-groups. New pupils arrive at the Bunscoill from a variety of pre-school settings, although the school, managed by the Department of Education, Sport and Culture (with support from Mooinjer Veggey), still maintains important links with Mooinjer Veggey playgroups. Children moving ‘up’ from the the playgroups will encounter familiar songs, rhymes and routines and, in some cases, familiar staff, so a degree of continuity is ensured.
The Bunscoill is open to everyone in the Island and provides an excellent education through the medium of Manx Gaelic.
For more information about the great work of the Bunscoill Ghaelgagh then check out their website here.