Dedicated to the Gaelic Language of the Isle of Man

Adrian Pilgrim


Adrian Pilgrim  1948 - 2013

It's a great pity that we lost one of the stalwarts of the Manx language movement a few weeks ago. Adrian Pilgrim was well-known to many Manx speakers and had been a great inspiration to those of us who were lucky enough to have known him. Adrian had been a great supporter of the language since the 1970s - a time when it wasn't that fashionable to be so - and he had been a great help to Doug Faragher in the production of his Manx Gaelic dictionary, a publication which forms the background to much of the recent revival.

I got to know Adrian well after I was appointed as the Manx Language Development Officer for the Manx Heritage Foundation and he was an invaluable resource in helping me improve my understanding of the technicalities of the language: for that I owe him a great deal. Adrian will be missed by many as a friend, linguist and educator. There is no doubt that it is thanks to the hard work and enthusasim of people such as Adrian that the language is stronger and more vibrant than it has been for many generations. Shee Yee dy row marish 

Published: Thu, 01 Jan 1970