Dedicated to the Gaelic Language of the Isle of Man

Brastyl "Lhaih as Loayr" - online reading and speaking class starting soon!

Paul Rogers, from De Linguis Language Tuition, will be starting a new 8 week online class, focussing on 'Skeealyn Mooinjer Veggey Vannin' - Manx Fairy Tales (Sophia Morrison). The advert from De Linguis Language Tuition says:

"Immerse yourself in the Manx language! These classes will help you expand your vocabulary and grasp of Manx grammar and become a more fluent and confident Manx speaker. Led by Paul Rogers, students will read a text in Manx and be encouraged to discuss it in Manx too. Grammar and new vocabulary will be explained by the tutor in Manx with the aid of games, pictures and wild hand gestures, and only reverting to English if really necessary."

Choose from a Wednesday or Thursday evening slot - the classes take place between 6pm - 7pm (BST) and start on Wednesday 3rd July / Thursday 4th July. 

If you are interested in taking part, please send an email to (please remember to replace (at) with the @ symbol!). 

Published: Fri, 21 Jun 2024