Dedicated to the Gaelic Language of the Isle of Man

New handbook for parents opting for Manx medium education

Manx Gaelic Handbook for Parents - a new publication from Mooinjer Veggey

Mooinjer Veggey have been working to produce a resource to help parents and carers of children (primarily those who attend the Bunscoill Ghaelgagh) to engage with Manx. There is one short chapter for each week of the school year, and a QR code to take you through to short, helpful videos.

Keep an eye on the Mooinjer Veggey website and Bunscoill Ghaelgagh/Mooinjer Veggey social media page to find out launch details for the book. It will shortly be available to purchase from Bridge Bookshop for £12.

Published: Thu, 06 Jun 2024