Blein Vie Noa for 2020 but it's never to early to start thinking about 2021!
The Manx Language Strategy for 2017-21 aimed to focus attention on what should be the priorities for the language during this period. The strategy is available here but it was always intended that we should have a celebration of Gaelg during 2021 to highlight the importance of Manx to our Island nation.
Jeebin will be producing a business case for Government so that we can all showcase the language during the year but we'd appreciate thoughts from individuals and groups - Yn Cheshaght Ghailckagh, Pobble, Mooinjer Veggey etc - as to what you would like us to collectively achieve during 2021. This can be included in the case to Government.
With this in mind we will be holding a drop-in session to share ideas and debate issues at the Methodist Hall in St John's from 11am-12pm on Saturday 18th January.
Please come along and bring an idea with you.
Published: Thu, 01 Jan 1970