We've used the verb, Ta mee in the phrases, ta mee gobbraghey, I'm working, or I work, Ta mee gobbraghey, and also ta mee geearree, I want, ta mee geearree.
We heard the question form, vel oo? and the answer to it, Ta, I am: Ta, ta mee gobbraghey, or Ta, ta mee geearree; or Cha nel, I'm not: Cha nel, cha nel mee gobbraghey, or Cha nel, cha nel mee geearree.
And we've used t'eh, he is, and t'ee, she is, as well as ta Juan, Juan is, and ta Mary, Mary is. We can use other verbs in exactly the same way, and we can put some of them with other expressions we've heard and used.
Ta mee loayrt rish Juan. I'm speaking to Juan. [Ta mee loayrt rish Juan.] ---------- Ta mee loayrt rish Juan.
By vie lhee geaishtagh rish y radio â“ She'd like to listen to the radio. [By vie lhee geaishtagh rish y radio.] ---------- By vie lhee geaishtagh rish y radio.
T'ou cur shilley er Mary. You're putting a sight on, in other words, you're visiting, Mary. [T'ou cur shilley er Mary.] ---------- T'ou cur shilley er Mary.
T'eh jeeaghyn er y çhellveeish - He's watching the television. [T'eh jeeaghyn er y çhellveeish.] ---------- T'eh jeeaghyn er y çhellveeish.
Cha mie lesh y voir aym cryttal - The mother at me, in other words, my mother, y voir aym, doesn't like knitting. [Cha mie lesh y voir aym cryttal.] ---------- Cha mie lesh y voir aym cryttal.
Ta Tom lhaih pabyr naight - Tom is reading a newspaper. [Ta Tom lhaih pabyr naight.] ---------- Ta Tom lhaih pabyr naight.
Vel y braar echey coagyrey? - Is the brother at him (his brother) cooking? [Vel y braar echey coagyrey?] ---------- Vel y braar echey coagyrey.
Ta mee smooinaghtyn er cummal ayns Doolish - I'm thinking about living in Douglas. [Ta mee smooinaghtyn er cummal ayns Doolish.] ---------- Ta mee smooinaghtyn er cummal ayns Doolish.
Cha nel Tom geearree shooyl - Tom doesn't want walking, in other words, Tom doesn't want to walk. [Cha nel Tom geearree shooyl.] ---------- Cha nel Tom geearree shooyl.
By vie lesh yn ughtar screeu lioar â“ The author would like writing a book, in other words, the author would like to write a book. [By vie lesh yn ughtar screeu lioar.] ---------- By vie lesh yn ughtar screeu lioar.
Ta Jonee peintal y thie eck - Jonee is painting the house at her, Jonee is painting her house. [Ta Jonee peintal y thie eck.] ---------- Ta Jonee peintal y thie eck.
S'mie lhiam shappal - I like shopping. [S'mie lhiam shappal.] ---------- S'mie lhiam shappal.
Ta ny paitçhyn cloie - The children are playing. [Ta ny paitçhyn cloie.] ---------- Ta ny paitçhyn cloie.
More of this next lesson but for now shen eh veih lessoon tree-jeig
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