er-e-hon quoid hug oo er-e-hon? hug mee shiaght pingyn er-e-hon shiaght pingyn hoght pingyn nuy pingyn jeih pingyn un phing jeig ghaa phing yeig Hug ee shiaght punt er-e-hon. Hug ee hoght punt er-e-hon Hug ee nuy punt er-e-hon Hug ee jeih punt er-e-hon Hug ee phunt jeig er-e-hon Hug ee ghaa phunt yeig er-e-hon Hooar yn dooinney jeih punt son yn daawheeyl Cha dug mee agh shiaght punt er-e-hon Cha dooar ad agh nuy punt C'raad hooar ny paitchyn ny jeih pingyn? Dooyrt ee dy ren eh costal ghaa phunt yeig Hooar mee hoght skilleeyn 'sy phoagey shen er-lhiam bane daah cooat dy jarroo cooat souree neu-gheyr EALISH Hooar Maureen cooat noa. KIRREE Dooar? Quoid ren eh costal? EALISH Jeih punt, er-lhiam. V'eh neu-gheyr dy liooar. KIRREE Va, dy jarroo. Ren yn cooat shoh costal ghaa phunt yeig EALISH Honnick mee eh jea. T'eh feer jesh. KIRREE Cre’n daah t'eh? EALISH Bane. She cooat souree t’ayn. |
for it, for him how much did you give for it? I gave sixpence for it. seven pence eight-pence nine pence ten pence eleven pence twelve pence She gave £7 for it. She gave £8 for it. She gave £9 for it. She gave £10 for it. She gave £11 for it. She gave £12 for it. The man got £10 for the bicycle. I only gave £7 for it. They only got £9 Where did the children get the ten pence? She said that it cost £12. I found eight shillings in that pocket. I think white colour a coat indeed a summer coat cheap Maureen has got a new coat. Did she? How much did it cost? Ten pounds, I think, It was cheap enough. Yes, indeed. This coat cost twelve pounds. I saw it yesterday. It's very nice. What colour is it? White. It's a summer coat. |