e e h-anjeeal ec e lhongey ec e jinnair ec e h-anjeeal ec e shibbyr ec e kirbyl ec e tey yn paitçhey ny paitçhyn yn ven-ynsee T'ee ec e lhongey T'ee ec e h-anjeeal T'ee ec e kirbyl T'ee ec e jinnair . T'ee ec e shibbyr T'ee ec e tey Vel ny paitçhyn ec yn çhapp nish? Cha nel peiagh erbee ec yn thie Ta mee ec yn dorrys . Vel yn inneen ec e tey? Ta'n ven-ynsee ec e shibbyr Cha nel ny paitçhyn ec yn stashoon nyn ooilley nyn girbyl foast ORREE C'raad ta ny paitchyn elley, Yuan? JUAN T'ad ooilley 'sy scoill. T'ad ec nyn girbyl. ORREE As c’raad ta' n ven-ynsee? JUAN T'ish 'sy thie. T'ee ec e kirbyl. ORREE Vel Moirrey ec e kirbyl foast? JUAN Ta. T'ee sthie 'sy schoill |
her her breakfast at her meal at her dinner at her breakfast at her supper at her lunch at her tea the child the children the teacher (woman) She is at her meal. She is at her breakfast She is at her lunch. She is at her dinner She is at her supper. She is at her tea. Are the children at the shop now? There's no one at the house. I am at the door Is the girl at her tea? The teacher is at her supper. The children are not at the station. their all their lunch yet, still Where are the other children, Juan? They are all in the school. They're at their lunch. And where's the teacher? She's in the house. She's at her lunch. Is Moirrey at her lunch still? Yes. She's inside, in the school. |