yn lessoon ny lessoonyn dooyrt yn guilley honnick yn fer-ynsee ren yn guilley hooar yn guilley hug yn fer-ynsee deaisht yn fer-ynsee Dooyrt yn guilley ny lessoonyn Honnick yn fer-ynsee ny lessoonyn Ren yn guilley ny lessoonyn Hug yn fer-ynsee ny lessoonyn Hooar yn guilley ny lessoonyn Deaisht yn fer-ynsee rish ny lessoonyn Ren mummig yn tey ec kiare er y chlag Cheayll ny guillyn yn fer-ynsee çheet Hooar mee yn cooat noa shen. Dooyrt yn saggyrt shen 'sy scoill Honnick yn meoir-shee Juan er yn daawheeyl Hug yn fer-ynsee queig pingyn dhyt er-ash pabyr key riojey foddey shoh eh shoh dhyt JUAN Hooar mee yn pabyr dhyt, yishag. Shoh eh. ORREE Cha row uss foddey. JUAN Roie mee dys yn chapp as er-ash. . ORREE She guilley feer vie oo. Hooar oo key riojey? JUAN Hooar, son shickyrys. Shoh dhyt ny shey pingyn. ORREE Kiart dy liooar. Gura mie ayd. JUAN Nagh abbyr eh. |
the lesson the lessons the boy said the teacher saw the boy did the boy got the teacher gave the teacher listened The boy said the lessons. The teacher saw the lessons. The boy did the lessons. The teacher gave the lessons. The boy got the lessons. The teacher listened to the lessons Mummy made the tea at four o'clock. The boys heard the teacher coming. I got that new coat. The priest said that in the school. The policeman saw Juan on the bicycle. The teacher gave five pence. for you back paper ice-cream long here it is here you are I got the paper for you, daddy. Here it is. You weren't long. I ran to the shop and back You're a very good boy. You got ice-cream? Yes, certainly' Here's the sixpence for you. Right enough. Thanks. Don't mention it. |