fo; fo'n; fo ny yn bluckan fo'n chaair fo'n aashag fo'n voayrd yn paitçhey fo'n stoyl fo'n vrat-laare fo ny greeishyn D'aag yn paitçhey yn bluckan fo'n chaair . D'aag yn paitçhey yn bluckan fo'n aashag D'aag yn paitçhey yn bluckan fo'n voayrd D’aag yn paitçhey yn bluckan fo'n stoyl D'aag yn paitçhey yn bluckan foin vrat-laare D'aag yn paitçhey yn bluckan fo ny greeishyn Nagh vel yn kayt bane fo'n voayrd ? D'aag oo ny braagyn fo'n chaair ? Hug eh yn screeuyn stiagh fo’n dorrys Jagh yn moddey stiagh fo ny greeishyn ? Va tree pingyn fo'n voayrd 'sy halley. hoal minnid ny ghaa er- henney . boayl erbee ORREE Cha noddym feddyn my phiob boayl erbee. Vel fys ayd c’raad t’eh ? EALISH Honnick mish eh minnid ny ghaa er-dy-henney. ORREE C'raad honnick oo eh ? EALISH V'eh ayns shen er yn voayrd fo'n phabyr. ORREE Cha nel eh fo'n phabyr nish. EALISH Jeeagh, t'eh hoal er yn stoyl fo'n vayrn |
under under the the ball under the chair under the sofa under the table the child under the stool under the mat under the stairs The child left the ball under the chair The child left the ball under the sofa. The child left the ball under the table. The child left the ball under the stool. The child left the ball under the mat. The child left the ball under the stairs. Isn't the white cat under the table? Did you leave the shoes under the chair? He put the letter in under the door. Did the dog go in under the stairs? There were three pennies under the table in the hall. yonder, over there a minute or two ago anywhere I can't find my pipe anywhere. Do you know where it is ? I saw it a minute or two ago. Where did you see it ? It was there on the table under the paper. It's not under the paper now. Look, it's over on the stool under the cap. |